When multiple client applications
such as web applications, desktop applications and mobile applications written
in different languages like php, python, java, objective c, etc. need to perform
the same database operation (insert), the same operations done by different
client applications and client applications are directly accessing the database
table using same SQL statement.
We are implementing stored procedure; here the client
applications will simply call the defined stored procedures to perform the
database operation (insert). In this post let us see about the syntax of the
stored procedure and will see an example of insert operation using stored
procedure using MySQL.
mysql> DELIMITER //
mysql> CREATE PROCEDURE Procedure_name(arguments)
-> SQL Statements;
-> END //
Query OK, 0 rows affected(0.00 sec)
mysql > DELIMITER ;
Step 1: Create a new test database:
mysql> CREATE DATABASE school;
Step 2: Select the newly created database:
mysql> USE school;
Step 3: Create a new table with three example data fields:
mysql> CREATE TABLE student (name varchar(30), dob date, address varchar(100));
Step 4: Define the delimiter as // or any other character
other than semicolon (;) (semicolon default statement delimiter):
mysql> DELIMITER //
Step 5: Create a stored procedure to insert data into table
mysql> CREATE PROCEDURE sp_student
-> (
-> IN s_name varchar(30),
-> IN s_dob date,
-> IN s_address varchar(100)
-> )
-> INSERT INTO student(name, dob, address)
-> VALUES (s_name, s_dob, s_address);
-> END //
Query OK, 0 rows affected(0.00 sec)
Step 6: Redefine the delimiter as semicolon (;):
mysql> DELIMITER ;
Step 7: Call stored procedure sp_student:
mysql> CALL sp_student ('raj', '1991-09-27', 'California, USA');
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.05 sec)
mysql> CALL sp_student ('steve', '1995-02-19', 'London, UK');
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.05 sec)
Step 8: Issue SELECT statement to verify
the inserted values.
mysql> SELECT * FROM student;
SELECT Statement |
Possible Error:
Error Code:
1064 You have an error in your SQL statement;
Case 1: You have not defined the delimiter properly (check step 4)
Case 2: You have not clearly differentiated user defined parameter with table parameters (check step 5 – name table variable & s_name is procedure parameter).
Case 3: Check the delimiter at end line of the stored procedure.
Case 4: Check for keywords BEGIN, END and check all the parenthesis are properly closed.
This post will help you to write stored procedure in MySQL for performing insert operation, in the coming post let us discuss more about MySQL functionalities.
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